I made it here, woho.

And I made it here..
Haha, I promised to blog so much I could, and I will. So the flight was good but I got stuck between a couple that slept the whole flight, except when we got our food. I couldn't sleep or go to the bathroom, which was very annoying. 
But the thing was on the way here, omg. My passport didn't work. I had such a long name (all my names have to be in the the ticket and stuff). But it all worked out eventually, (that word was hard to spell lol). I took a cab, woho haha finally I've ride a yellow cab! They have tv in the back so cool, and the taxi driver was actully nice to me, believe it or not haha.
I arrived to the apartment like 9pm something, and meet some of the one I was going to stay with. They seem nice. Then it wasn't so much more to do and it was still 4am in the morning for me in my head so I went to sleep. Woke up my myself at 4am new york time, but got back to sleep again and woke up at 6 and took a shower and waited for the others, and now I'm here. 
The school starts in 30minutes, so I hope the first day is going to be awesome hehe, and I'm kind of proud of myself to do this alone.
I'm going to try to write as often as I can, but its not mybe going to be so long. But you can follow me on instagram or snaphat: rebeccakleist is the username for both. 